16 Candles

I can't believe that I just watched this movie for the first time. I wish that I could have lived in a time lake that. I am completely in favor of the high-wasted pants and the frumpy sweaters, my goal this year will be to bring them back. Her dad was really weird, and apparently, she had an amazing relationship with her mother that was shown for like 2  minutes, following her mother's forgetting her birthday. 

Jake was the cutest. Where did all the gallantry and the flirting go in the past 30 or so years, because if someone pulled up to a church in a red sports car and came to find me, I would tell him to marry me on the spot. If there are any other Jakes out there, come find me. 

Summer 2014

Summer Welcome Center Staff

I didn't get the Welcome Wagon Coordinator position (good luck to whomever got the position), but I am still going to work for Boston College Residential Life as part of the Welcome Center staff. I will be staying in Boston this summer for sure. 

Physics I/II 

I will also be taking a night class in Physics. I am not a huge fan of Physics personally and I would much rather take two more biology and health related electives during the year instead. We shall see how this goes. 

C.A.R.E. cookies are here!

In an attempt to spice up this year's C.A.R.E. week and to add a fun yet inspirational dimension, I decided to propose C.A.R.E. cookies. These are fortune cookies that contain one of six possible phrases:

  • Consent is sexy.
  • Spread the C.A.R.E.
  • Show your C.A.R.E. Ask for consent.
  • Support. Educate. Empower. C.A.R.E. Week 2014.
  • Break the silence. Stop the violence.
  • Take Back the Night. April 9, 2014.

Each phrase was printed onto lavender colored paper (to show GLBTQ support for C.A.R.E week) and on the opposite side of the paper was "GLC CARES ABOUT C.A.R.E. WEEK". 


Phantom of the Opera

Just watched one of my favorite movies of all times. The music and lyrics of Andrew-Lloyd Webber are so profound and amazing that they make me emotional every time I hear them. I don't think that Gerard Butler has a great voice but it definitely fits the part and he did an amazing job. Where on earth did Emmy Rossum go? She hasn't been in a movie in forever, which is a shame because she is a spectacular singer. She is absolutely regal in every scene and I appreciate her so very much. Props to her. Lastly, Miranda Richardson is, for some reason, in the majority of my favorite movies ever. She's not only stars in the Phantom of the Opera, but also Paris je t'aime, Young Victoria, Belle, and Harry Potter. She's also in Merlin; she's obviously been planning this since my infancy...

Cell Biology TA

Can't wait for next year officially! I will be the T.A. for Cell Biology with Rebecca Dunn. She's the most amazing person ever and I cannot wait to get to work with her. I also cannot wait until I get to retake my favorite Biology class so far. 

Summer Ideas.

I am currently in the process of applying to four pharmaceutical companies and multiple departments within these companies. I have applied to Genzyme, Biogen Idec, Pfizer, and Cubist. I will also be sending in an application to Vertex. 

I have applied for:

  • Genzyme:
    • Research and Development: specifically the Immunology, Oncology, Genetics, and Neuroimmunological diseases. 
    • Organic Chemistry Research Assistant.
  • Biogen Idec:
    • MA Development Transitional Medicine and Medicinal Chemistry.

I will also be looking at the possibility of working in an undergraduate research lab in the Boston College Biology department. Two labs come to the forefront: Professor Thomas Chiles and Professor Laura Lowery. 

Another possibility is the Boston Magazine internship in the Marketing Department. This position is event planning heavy, along with the intern being paired with a marketing strategies group for the magazine.